

Professors Cooper and Ollier launched the UK Adult Onset Myositis Immunogenetic Collaboration (AOMIC, now renamed the UKMYONET genetic study) in 1999, coordinated through the University of Manchester. Over 1,200 cases have been collected from over 70 sites throughout the UK. Basic demographic details and serum/DNA samples are stored in the Centre for Integrated Genomic Medical Research (CIGMR) at the University of Manchester, and serology is performed at the University of Bath. The UKMYONET genetic and serological study is currently funded through an Arthritis Research UK programme grant and has been the source of multiple publications.

Myasthenia Gravis

CIGMR also has an ongoing research project to identify disease susceptibility genes in myasthenia gravis. This is in collaboration with Dr Jon Sussman (Salford Royal Hospital). We are also part of an international collaboration to perform genetic studies of myasthenia gravis (coordinated by Professor P Gregersen, USA).

Multiple Sclerosis

CIGMR collaborates with both Keele University (Professors Clive Hawkins and Richard Strange) and Dr David Rog (Salford Royal Hospital) on the genetic basis of multiple sclerosis (MS). These partners form the North West Multiple Sclerosis Genetics group and have longitudinal clinical/outcome data and DNA samples on over 1000 patients.