How to take part

Much of our work depends on parents being willing to help us by volunteering to participate, and we are very grateful to the families who help us in this way. If you think you might be interested in taking part in one of our studies, please look at the descriptions below for studies that are running at the moment. Please note that some studies require parents to live in specific locations, as we need to meet families to collect information, while others are online studies that anyone can participate in, wherever they live.

The following studies are either open or will be opening shortly. If you would like to take part, please see below or check again in a few weeks time:

Lauren Stockton is working on a parenting programme to support parents experiencing mental health problems. You would have the opportunity to talk about your parent-child relationship, your child's behaviour and family life.

If you would like further information on the study, please see the website, or contact Lauren Stockton on 07939 563467 or

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