
CIGMR Biobank operates under a fully audited and certified quality management system designed to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2008. We are externally monitored for compliance to the system every 6 months and we are recertified once every 3 years. CIGMR Biobank have been certified to the ISO standard since 2005 and we work with our users and the requirements of the standard to continually develop a system that meets the needs of our collectors and collaborators.

What is ISO 9001:2008?

ISO 9001:2008 is an internationally recognised standard for quality management which CIGMR Biobank has implemented to constantly monitor its services and its continual development. CIGMR Biobank uses ISO 9001:2008 to effectively monitor and control its procedures through the use of training, standard operating procedures and records of proof.

How do we use ISO 9001:2008?

CIGMR Biobank has mapped out all of its processes from collector/collaborator communication to sample withdrawal. We use both monthly internal audits and quality control checks to monitor our performance and identify areas where we can improve our service, as well as using the findings of an external certification body. Collector/collaborator communication and feedback is of importance to us as it helps us to identify the requirements of the groups using the CIGMR Biobank facility.

Our Processes


Our core and support processes that are mapped and documented within our quality management system.