Biological Samples for Health Research
Our facility within Manchester Medical School is capable of processing hundreds of biological samples each day for storage or for immediate analysis. We process a range of sample types including blood, urine, sputum, synovial fluid and saliva. We are experienced in conducting large sample collection projects for genetic epidemiology experiments such as GWAS, deep sequencing, candidate gene analysis, proteomic, transcriptomic and metabolomic experiments.
CIGMR Biobank supports a number of Manchester-led collaborative research projects requiring large numbers of biological samples for analysis e.g. the EU FP7 REQUITE project lead by Professor Catherine West which aims to predict which patients develop side effects from radiotherapy. The Biobank also manages sample collections for a number of nationally important collections e.g. The Motor Neurone Disease Association DNA Bank. This collection contains the largest number of biological samples gifted by people with MND for research in the UK. For a list of the collections we manage and facilitate please click here.
CIGMR Biobank also works closely with NHS health partners within the Manchester Academic Health Science Centre (MAHSC) in the area of sample management and has established shared sample tracking and quality assurance (ISO 9001:2008) systems with Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust.
Sample Accrual

- Supporting scientists and clinicians building new sample collections since 2001.
Sample Storage
- Secure sample storage across dual geographic site to guard against catastrophic loss.
Sample Distribution
- CIGMR Biobank enables collaborations to be established and organises samples to be distributed for analyses.
Biological Sample Collections
- Click here to browse our extensive catalogue of biological samples.
Biobanking Project Lifecycles
- CIGMR Biobank can assist at anytime during or throughout a biobanking projects lifecycle.
Sample Processing
- CIGMR Biobank provides laboratory sample processing services to projects involved in sample collection.
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