News archive: 2008

1 May 2008

The University of Manchester awards a Distinguished Achievement Medal (researcher of the Year 2008) to Prof. Matt Lambon Ralph.

17 April 2008

Anna Woollams has also been accepted onto the British Neuropsychological Society (BNS) Executive Committee, giving both a Manchester and language presence on the Committee.

15 April 2008

Anna Woollams has been given a Leverhulme research award, entitled "Building a neuroanatomical model of word reading".  The award is for two years and brings money for a research associate plus costs. 

1 April 2008

Faye Corbett (PhD student) has just had a paper published in Aphasiology on "The use of cueing to alleviate recurrent verbal perseverations: Evidence from transcortical sensory aphasia"

March 2008

Stephen Welbourne with Steve Furber - Computer Science, Jay McClelland and Matt Lambon Ralph have had their Cognitive Foresight grant elected for funding. It will be primarily funded by EPSRC with contributions from BBSRC and MRC. It is an enormous achievement and is testament to some fine grant crafting skills.

21 February 2008

Dr Roland Zahn has just had a paper accepted in Psychopathology on "Loss of the sense of self-ownership for perceptions of objects in a case of right inferior temporal, parieto-occipital and precentral hypometabolism".

12 February 2008

Sheeba Ehsan (Researcher) in NARU has just been awarded her first research grant from Epilepsy Action to support our first foray into the semantic status of patients with resection for temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE).  Congratulations to Sheeba.