About the unit
The Neuroscience and Aphasia Research Unit (NARU), within the School of Psychological Sciences, is a highly innovative research unit whose work centres around 4 major themes.
Topics in each theme are all investigated using an interdisciplinary approach, and applying widely convergent research methods and techniques. Studies range from basic neuroscience (fMRI, MR tractography, TMS) to neuropsychological and clinically-applied investigations of both normal and neurological populations, including neurodegenerative disorders, stroke, traumatic brain injury and herpes simplex encephalitis.
For more details, see: Our publications
Many congratulations to Rebecca Jackson, who has been awarded a three-year postdoctoral fellowship from the British Academy. This is very well deserved and highly prestigious.
This paper has just been accepted for publication at Cortex:
- R. Zahn, S. Green, H. Beaumont, A. Burns, J. Moll, D. Caine, A. Gerhard, P. Hoffman, B. Shaw, J. Grafman, & M.A. Lambon Ralph (in press). “Frontotemporal lobar degeneration and social behaviour: Dissociation between the knowledge of its consequences and its conceptual meaning.” Cortex
Congratulations to Anna Woollams. A new paper (originally from Gemma Evans’s thesis work) has just appeared.
- G. A.L. Evans, M.A. Lambon Ralph, A.M. Woollams (2017). “Seeing the meaning: Top-down effects on letter identification.” Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 322. [doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00322]
A very nice paper has just been accepted at NeuroImage.
Congratulations to Rebecca Jackson (the work arises from her EPSRC doctoral prize) as well as Claude Bajada and Grace Rice who made important additional contributions.
- R.L. Jackson, C.J. Bajada, G.E. Rice, L.L. Cloutman, & M.A. Lambon Ralph (in press). “An emergent functional parcellation of the temporal cortex.” NeuroImage.
Congratulations to Claude Bajada – who has just had another paper accepted from his BBSRC-funded DTP studentship work. A very nice study.
- C.J. Bajada, R.L. Jackson, H.A. Haroon, H. Azadbakht, G.J.M. Parker, M.A. Lambon Ralph, & L.L. Cloutman. (in press) “A Graded Tractographic Parcellation of the Temporal Lobe.” NeuroImage.
NARU research themes

- Semantic cognition
Semantically-driven verbal and nonverbal behaviour made up of two interactive components: semantic representations (conceptual knowledge) and semantic control

- Normal and impaired language, conversation and social communication
Studies of communication in humans, ranging from conversation in aphasia to morality and depression

- Learning, neuroplasticity, and sleep
Studies of learning and neuroplasticity using computer-based modelling, behavioural studies and neuroimaging

- Clinical intervention in neuroscience and aphasia
Research relating to rehabilitation. We run a speech therapy clinic and our studies investigate a wide variety of clinical techniques and advances