Mathelier-Fusade et al. (2002) [880] report a case of food dependent exercise induced anaphylaxis, FDEIA, to barley.
Asero et al (2001) [794] report a patient who experienced repeated episodes of systemic urticaria/angioedema from beer. Figueredo et al. (1999) [796] report a patient with urticaria, angioedema of the face, and wheezy dyspnea to beer.
Fernandez-Anaya et al. (1999) [797] reported 3 patients with 1. a tingling sensation in her face, lip angioedema, chest tightness, dyspnea, and rhinoconjunctivitis 2. a “lump in the throat,” tongue angioedema, cough, wheezing, generalized urticaria, and fainting 3. generalized urticaria.
Bonadonna et al. (1999) [795] describe two cases of severe systemic reactions due to beer ingestion: one case of anaphylaxis requiring emergency care and one of generalized urticaria and angioedema.
Curioni et al. (1999) [798] report 3 patients with 1. Generalized urticaria and laryngeal oedema with dyspnea on two occasions immediately after drinking beer. 2. Several episodes of generalized urticaria with swelling of oral mucosa and pruritus shortly after drinking beer. The most recent episode included generalized urticaria and laryngeal oedema with dyspnea, requiring emergency treatment. 3. Initially mild facial angioedema and itching of the mouth after drinking beer. Subsequently, generalized urticaria, facial angioedema and general malaise immediately after drinking beer.
Neise & Sennekamp (1996) [879] report 22 patients with pharyngitis, enteritis, rhinitis, edema of the the eyelids, urticaria, and a broad spectrum of other less frequent symptoms to barley malt.
Santucci et al. (1996) [1123] report 3 patients with respectively diffuse urticaria and oedema of the oral mucosa; oedema of the lower lip, mouth and face; diffuse urticaria and swelling of the oral mucosa after drinking beer. The first two required emergency treatment and also suffered milder symptoms from polenta (and in the first patient underdone pizza).
Keller & Schwanitz (1994) [1122] report a patient who suffered swelling of the oral mucosa, flush and dyspnoea after either drinking beer or eating white bread or cake. Symptoms also occurred on kissing her husband after he had been drinking beer.
van Ketel (1980) [1124] report 2 patient. The first suffered a red, swollen and itchy face in a room where beer was being drunk or on being kissed by her husband after he had been drinking beer. She reported shock after a mouthful of beer but could tolerate other alcoholic drinks. The second had recurrent urticaria after drinking beer.