About the project
This project aims to provide information for consumers, regulators and industry. The project aims to provide credible information on food allergy and food allergens from expert sources.
- See: Introduction
The database
The InformAll database was developed to provide a credible source of information on allergenic food materials of both plant and animal origin. It was based on our previous PROTALL database which was set up in 2001.
- See: Allergenic Food Database for more information
Who it is for
InformAll aims to provide information for allergic consumers, regulators and the food industry.
How it was put together
The database was the output of an EU-funded project (InformAll) that brought together experts from across Europe and the USA.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Fifth Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no QLRT-2001-02284.