Tingling of lips, laryngeal oedema, generalised angioedema, generalised urticaria, bronchospasm, abdominal pain (Noyes et al. 1979 [440]).
Diffuse pruritus, urticaria, angioedema, nausea and vomiting, chest tighness and wheezing followed by vascolar collapse and loss of consiousness in one patient and diffuse pruritus, urticaria and facial angioedema in another (Halsey et al. 1986 [975]).
Anaphylaxis beginning with abdominal pain, followed by pharyngeal pruritis and facial oedema with nasal congestion and finally generalised urticaria and impaired respiration (Kanny et al. 1994 [376]).
Symptoms ranging from itching of the mouth, ears and eyes, cough dyspnea, generalised urticaria, angioedema (Axelsson et al. 1994 [270]).
Anaphylaxis with laryngeal oedema, dyspnea, vomiting, generalised urticaria and hypotension (Iwaya et al. 1994 [366]).
Oral pruritus (8/12), anaphylaxis (4/12), angioedema of lips/mouth (4/12), gastrointestinal symptoms (3/12), urticaria (2/12), and rhinoconjunctivitis 1/12 patients (Garcia-Ortiz et al. 1996 [753]).
Vomiting and hypotension; urticaria and angioedema; itchy mouth; anaphylaxis; angioedema and fever in 5 patients (Kelly et al. 2000) [87].
Anaphylaxis 15 minutes after eating a bread roll with sunflower seeds (Asero et al. 2002 [973])