Teuber and Peterson (1999) [205] report that IgE binding proteins of 55, 36.5, and 35 kDa were observed on the nonreduced coconut protein immunoblot and these bands were immunologically cross-reactive with seed storage proteins from walnut, almond, and peanut by blot inhibition. The 55 kDa protein was only reactive to sera from one of the two patients.
Rosaldo et al. (2002) [685] report intense reactivity to a protein of 78 kDa in the IgE immunoblot, as well as weaker bands for 15-20, 22 and 30 kDa. They suggest that the lack of reactivity at 35-36 kDa may be because their patient was monosensitised to coconut.
Tella et al. (2003) [686] report that IgE-immunoblotting after SDS-PAGE under nonreducing conditions showed an IgE binding protein of about 18 kDa, and two weaker bands of about 25 and 75 kDa.
Nguyen et al. (2004) [939] reported IgE binding to 35- and 50-kDa protein bands in the coconut and hazelnut extracts. Inhibition assays using coconut demonstrated complete inhibition of hazelnut specific IgE, but inhibition assays using hazelnut showed only partial inhibition of coconut specific IgE.