What we do
The International Hub for Quality of Life Research (IHQoLR) conducts and supports internationally leading research into understanding and maximising quality of life around the world. The 'Hub' develops and supports the use of high quality, internationally endorsed, measures of quality of life and the use of these measures.
About us
International Hub for Quality of Life Research (IHQoLR) was founded by Professor Suzanne Skevington who has worked with the World Health Organization Quality of Life Group.
We are based at The University of Manchester, UK within the Manchester Centre for Health Psychology.
What is quality of life (QoL)?
Quality of life means a lot of different things to different people! Ask most people and they will be able to talk about what things they think are important to their quality of life. What does it mean to you?
In the 1990’s the World Health Organization, Division of Mental Health in Geneva, brought together researchers from all around the world to form the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL) Group. Professor Suzanne Skevington was part of this international collaboration. She is also the UK lead for the WHOQOL Group. Her research has been concerned with answering research questions such as:
- Is there universal agreement about what QoL means?
- Is QoL culturally defined?
- Can you measure it, and if so, what is the best way to do this?
- Are there lots of dimensions to QoL and if so, which dimensions do people think are most important?
Quality of life affects us all

Take a look at how Professor Suzie Skevington's research into how Quality of Life affects us all.
Video: A University of Bath research film (Youtube)