Gorana Pobric
+44 (0)161 3060443
Room T7C, 3rd Floor
Neuroscience and Aphasia Research Unit (NARU)
School of Psychological Sciences
Zochonis Building
University of Manchester
Brunswick Street
Manchester M13 9PL
Research Interests
- Semantic Cognition
- Action understanding and imitation
- Hemispheric specialisation in language processing
- Behavioural experiments
- Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
- Neuroimaging
Pobric, G., Lambon Ralph, M.A., & Jefferies, E. The role of the anterior temporal lobes in the comprehension of concrete and abstract words: rTMS evidence. (in press) Cortex
Lambon Ralph, M.A., Pobric, G. & Jeffereis, E. (2008) Conceptual knowledge is underpinned by temporal pole bilaterally: Convergent evidence from rTMS, Cerebral Cortex
Fuggeta, G., Pobric, G., Rizzo, S., Lavidor, M. & Walsh, V. Uncovering the dissociation between natural and artifactual domains: ERPs/TMS study. (2008) Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
Pobric, G., Marshal, N., Faust, M. & Lavidor, M. (2008) The casual role of the right cerebral hemisphere in processing novel metaphoric expressions taken from poetry: A TMS study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20, 170-181
Pobric, G., Jefferies, E. & Lambon Ralph, M.A. (2007) Anterior temporal lobes mediate semantic representation: Mimicking semantic dementia by using rTMS in normal participants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104, 20137-41
Pobric, G. & Lavidor, M. (2007) Magnetic stimulation of the right visual cortex impairs form specific priming, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19, 1013-1020
Pobric, G. & Hamilton, A. (2006) Action understanding requires the left inferior frontal cortex, Current Biology, 16, 524-529.
Prior to joining NARU, I was a Marie Curie Research Fellow within RTN: Brain and Language. I was working with Michal Lavidor on visual word recognition and interhemispheric integration. As a PhD student at SISSA, Trieste Italy, I was a visiting researcher at the ICN, UCL, London, working with Vincent Walsh on TMS studies of action recognition. I obtained my BSc in Neuroscience from the University of Toronto, Canada.
Prof Matt lambon Ralph, University of Manchester
Dr Elizabeth Jefferies, York University
Prof Michal Lavidor, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Professor Vincent Walsh, ICN, UCL