Clinical neuroscience

Neuro-oncological research is a highly interdisciplinary endeavour that is based on the comprehensive neuro-oncological service provided by clinicians at Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust in cooperation with Christie Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, which includes a weekly multidisciplinary brain tumour board (MDT) with dedicated research meetings held on a monthly basis.

Current research focuses on development of imaging biomarkers for grading of tumour malignancy and monitoring of tumour progression. This employs new technological developments for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at the Magnetic Resonance Imaging Facility (MRIF) and positron emission tomography (PET) at the Wolfson Molecular Imaging Centre (WMIC) as part of the University's Imaging Facilities.

In-vivo imaging biomarkers are studied in correlation with ex-vivo molecular and histochemical techniques. Preclinical studies are performed in collaboration with the Paterson Institute for Cancer Research.

Principal investigators

Name Job title Email adress
Professor Karl Herholz Professor of Clinical Neuroscience / Chair, MDT research meetings
Professor Alan Jackson Director of WMIC / Professor of Radiology
Dr Daniel Du Plessis Honorary Lecturer / Consultant Neuropathologist