About us
The Human Pain Research Group is a multidisciplinary team of clinical and non-clinical researchers.
We are based in the Clinical Sciences Building at Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust in Salford.
Our aim is to further the understanding of human pain processing, using state-of-the-art brain imaging techniques, in order to aid the development of new treatment methods for chronic pain.
To keep up-to-date with our research, follow us on Twitter.
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Our aim is to address the challenges the main areas of brain concerned with pain present using state-of-the-art brain imaging techniques.
Find out more here.

'Pain, the Brain and a Little Bit of Magic'
'Pain, the Brain and a Little Bit of Magic' is an empowering performance talk which takes a look inside the brain, exploring how we feel pain, how pain is signalled in the body and how we develop chronic conditions. Watch the video.
The Manchester Smart Neuro-therapies Platform - Press Release June 2019
This technology is currently being developed to allow patients, in the comfort of their own homes, to record their pain symptoms and to access two different types of non-drug therapy for their chronic pain.
We found that there are particular kinds of brain waves called alpha waves (10 Hz frequency) that are associated with the experience of placebo-mediated pain relief. We know that these kind of brain waves can be used by one bit of the brain to control another bit of the brain. One of our PhD students, Kathy Ecsy, then did a series of experiments showing that if we increase the amount of alpha waves in the brain by flashing a light or with sounds at alpha frequency pain is experienced less intensely. We initially showed this in normal volunteers and more recently have shown similar things happening in the brains of patients with chronic pain. We are at a very early stage of testing this equipment out so we need help to complete further experiments to take these studies towards clinical trials
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