START aims
The latest evidence shows that 45% of all publicly-funded clinical trials fail to recruit their target number of participants.
Our aim is to improve the evidence-base concerning recruitment to trials, enhance recruitment rates and make research more accessible to the public.
Within these web pages, you will find:
- The latest thinking around evidence-based recruitment into clinical trials, including available resources
- Information on the development of interventions to enhance recruitment into clinical trials
- Information on how trialists can collaborate with us to test recruitment interventions as part of their ongoing trials
- Meet the team
- Contact us
What is START?
START is a project funded by the Medical Research Council Methodology Programme.
Our aim is to improve the evidence-base concerning recruitment to trials, enhance recruitment rates and make research more accessible to the public:

Video: Professor Peter Bower, Principal Investigator, explains the need for evidence based approaches to RCT recruitment
Patient and Public Involvement
Tof ind out about PPI involvement in MRC START, please see our PPI pages
Interested in taking part?
If you are interested in taking part in START or finding out more about the study, you can contact the study team