The Manchester Language Study

Welcome to the web page of the Manchester Language Study.

The Manchester Language Study has been running nationwide since 1995. It is based at The University of Manchester and Professor Gina Conti-Ramsden is the Director and Principal Investigator.

The Manchester Language Study aims to understand how language influences the lives of children and young people. The study has followed 242 children who were attending language units at 7 years of age, most recently when they were in their mid-twenties. A group of over 100 peers also joined the Manchester Language Study when the young people were 16 years of age. Families, schools and colleges have been closely involved and have supported the study.

To celebrate 20 years of the Manchester Language Study, a special reception was held to mark the event. We enjoyed welcoming people from all over the country. We want to take this opportunity to record our enormous gratitude to all those children, young people, adults, families, academics and professionals that have supported and contributed to this enduring and inspirational project.

Where can I find information about the results of the study?

The study has made many contributions to developing our understanding of language development and language impairment from childhood to young adulthood. Here are some ways you can find more about the findings of the study.

Check out our YouTube Channel

RALLI stands for Raising Awareness of Language Learning Impairments. The Manchester Language Study is involved in this campaign to make more people aware of the importance of language and the impact of language problems.

Visit Ralli campaign. Here you will find short videos that explain what a language impairment is, the impact it can have and how to get help. We also hear from young people about how language difficulties affect their lives and about their hopes for the future.

For example, there is an interesting video from a young man called Seb, aged 16. He shares his experiences of having language difficulties, with insights from those who help him - his mum, teacher and speech and language therapist.

Have a look at Afasic

Afasic supports parents and represents children and young people with speech, language and communication needs. The Manchester Language Study contributes to some of the information provided by this charity which you may find of interest.

Publications from the Manchester Language Study

There are over 100 reports, technical journal articles and publications that have come from the findings of the study. Your help has made it possible for the Manchester Language Study to make an important scientific contribution. Please see Gina's homepage.

Keeping in touch

If you are one of the group of hundreds of young people across the country who have given their time to take part in the study, we thank you specially. If you would like to share with us how you are getting on, then we would be delighted to hear from you. Jackie, the study secretary can be contacted by email on: or she would be very happy to get a call from you on: 0161 275 3366.



Thank you

The Manchester Language Study Team

Director: Professor Gina Conti-Ramsden