The Deaf People with Dementia Research Project is part of the
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work
Deaf People with Dementia Research Project



Developing a dementia information portal for Deaf British Sign Language users: a pilot study (MICRA)



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SORD have been given a small internal award by Manchester Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Research on Ageing (MICRA) at the University of Manchester to develop and pilot a dementia information portal for Deaf people who use BSL.


It is a three month project, finishing at the end of August 2014. The Collaborative Learning Group, some members of which have been involved in the Deaf with Dementia project, have discussed how best to deliver information about dementia to Deaf BSL users.


In addition, the Deaf with Dementia project held discussions with the Deaf community about information available in BSL about dementia. There was a strong view that information needed to be made available online in their native language, but in a clear and accessible way.


As agreed by the group, we created two different versions to pilot with an audience who use BSL. By getting feedback from BSL users, we will find out which version the majority prefer to see. We will see if the resources can be developed further in subsequent stages of future projects.


There are two clips below:


Clip A - a BSL translation using the text provided.




Clip B - a BSL transposition (culturally appropriate way of presenting information in BSL) using the text provided as a guide.


Would you please watch both short clips and answer a few simple questions. Only do this if you want to, as this is voluntary. The deadline for the survey is Weds 27th August.


You can click on the survey below when you have watched the clips.


Thank you for your time.


Rosemary Oram, Research Assistant


Clip A


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Clip B


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If you have time to answer a few questions, please click the below:

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.



MICRA (Manchester Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Research on Ageing) for their seed-corn funding Collaborative Learning Group for their input;

Jacqueline Parker-Fu, for her valuable contribution and for presenting the information in BSL;

and Simon Burrow for preparing the text for filming.

Collaborative Learning Group Members:

Rosemary Oram, Research Assistant, Social Research with Deaf People, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, University of Manchester

Emma Ferguson-Coleman, Alzheimer's Society Doctoral Research Fellow, Social Research with Deaf People, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, University of Manchester

Professor Alys Young, Social Research with Deaf People, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, University of Manchester

Jacqueline Parker-Fu, Deaf carer for Deaf mother with dementia

Professor John Keady, Dementia and Ageing Research Team, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, University of Manchester

Simon Burrow, Course Director, MSc in Dementia Care, Dementia and Ageing Research Team, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, University of Manchester

Ruth Norris, Manchester Informatics, Manchester mHealth Innovation Centre, University of Manchester