Research projects
Ongoing projects
HELPER Programme (HEalthy Living and Prevention of Early Relapse)
Duration of the project
September 2008 - September 2012
Funding body
National Institute for Health Research (RP-PG-0606-1302)
Members of the project
Professor Max Marshall | Principal investigator |
Professor Alison Wearden | Principal investigator |
Professor Karina Lovell | Principal investigator |
Professor Christine Barrowclough | Co-investigator |
Professor Shôn Lewis | Co-investigator |
Dr Tim Bradshaw | Co-investigator |
Dr Fiona Lobban | Co-investigator |
Project details
To develop and test three phase-specific interventions to reduce relapse and prevent deterioration in people with first episode psychosis. The component studies are:
- InterAct (led by Karina Lovell and Alison Wearden)
- To promote normal weight and a health lifestyle ReCAP (led by Christine Barraclough and Fiona Lobban)
- To reduce cannabis use and thus prevent relapse IMPACT (led by Richard Drake)
- Promoting engagement with cognitive behavioural therapy