Neuroscience and psychiatry unit (NPU)

The Neuroscience and Psychiatry Unit (NPU) was established to bring together a group of psychiatrists, psychologists and laboratory scientists to identify brain mechanisms which underlie common mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and depression. The NPU is located in a suite of offices and laboratories on the ground floor of the Stopford Building.

  • Impulse control disorders
    Investigating the biological and neuropsychological mechanisms involved in impulse control and related disorders including antisocial personality disorder, substance misuse and compulsive spectrum disorders such as pathological gambling and eating disorders.
  • Mood disorders
    Investigating the biological mechanisms involved in both vulnerability to depression and response to treatment and their interaction with environmental factors.
  • Psychosis
    Understanding the neurobiology of psychosis (including early psychosis) and the mechanisms of action of antipsychotic drugs.