Clinical case studies

Manchester medical undergraduate curriculum

The Manchester MBChB (Medical Undergraduate) curriculum is underpinned by a problem-based approach. The following are comments from Occupational Physicians on the management of some of these cases. They illustrate points such as occupational history taking, other means of assessing health problems relating to work or the environment, preventive measures and other aspects of case management.

Ref (year-case number) Short title
4-8 Dizzy and deaf
1-9 The stressed physicist
3 - 12 Blurred vision
3 - 4 Doctor, my guts...!
2 - 8 The manager
3 - 3 It wears you down
2 - 11 Highs and lows
3 -1 Mr A Risk
3 - 7 A case of abdominal pain
3 - 12 A case of haematuria
3 - 8 Three cases


For further clinical case problems, see: Other clinical case studies

The work of Dr Andy Slovak in editing this resource is much appreciated. In addition, thanks are also due to the other physicians who have contributed commentaries to one or more of these case studies: Dr Tok Hussain, Dr Donald Menzies, Dr Gordon Parker, Dr Clare Rayner, Dr Dil Sen, Dr Ted Smith and Dr Sue Turner.