Research projects: ongoing/completed
Ongoing projects
Manchester Child Attachment Story Task (MCAST)
Members of the project
Dr Ming Wai Wan | Investigator |
Dr Catherine (Katie) Kay | Investigator |
Professor Jonathan Green | Investigator |
Project details
The Manchester child attachment story task (Green et al 2000, Goldwyn et al 2000) is a story stem completion assessment for children in the early school years (4 1/2 years - 8 1/2 years) which is focussed on capturing systematically children’s cognitive representation of early relationships. It is has been designed and validated for both clinical and research use. MCAST is now being used in numerous studies internationally. There are annual training events in MCAST, the next one scheduled for March 2010. The training workshop enables practitioners and researchers to learn the administration and coding of the MCAST and is followed by a reliability test for those wishing to use the instrument in structured clinical or research settings.