Research projects: ongoing/completed

Ongoing projects

Intervention within the British autism study of infant siblings

Funding bodies

MRC, Autisica (to the BASIS collaboration) and CMFT Health Innovation Fund (for the intervention).

Members of the project

Dr Ming Wai WanInvestigator
Miss Faye PlummerInvestigator
Ms Janet McNallyInvestigator

Project details:

This study is testing a social, parent mediated intervention for infants of high risk of autism (infants who have a sibling with diagnosed autism). It represents a collaboration between Manchester, Burbeck College London. Institution of Education and Institute of Psychiatry. The study is internationally innovative in combining an intervention study with measures of behaviours, brain functioning and genetics. The aim is to test whether a early social intervention for infants at risk of autism can succeed in modifying the development of the disorder.

Further information: BASIS network website.