Instruments and Training Courses

Below are links to information on instruments developed by the research group and training available in these measures.

  • MACI
    The Manchester Assessment of Caregiver-Infant Interaction (MACI) is a global measure of caregiver-infant play interaction suitbale for 3 to 15 months.
    The Manchester Child Attachment Story Task (MCAST) is a structured doll-play story completion method for measuring and understanding attachment representations in young school age children toward a specific caregiver suitable for clinical and research purposes.
  • DCMA
    The Dyadic Communication Measure for Autism (DCMA) is a measure of the natural flowing dyadic communication interaction between parent and child in a free play context. Developed here in Manchester it captures aspects of communication in young children with autism and aspects of the parent communication style that are often targeted in communication-focussed interventions. 
  • MIPO 
    The Manchester Inventory for Playground Observation (MIPO) is an instrument that quantifies peer social relationships in the playground for children in middle childhood. It is a validated measure of social impairments across various psychiatric disorders.