Special study modules

Besides achieving the core learning objectives of occupational (and environmental) medicine, it is possible for medical students in the UK to pursue occupational medicine as Special Study Modules. However the availability of these modules is patchy.

For students planning to embark on a special study project in ‘Occupational Medicine’, skills in searching, critical appraisal and other areas relevant to the module will be necessary.

The following resources were developed to support the first Special Study Module in Occupational Medicine in a British medical School and may be helpful to students:

Other project options

Various other resources are in the process of development, or else are available only to our students but may be available freely in due course. These will include:

  • A tutor pack for running face-to-face tutorials in occupational medicine. See: Tutor pack: draft (PDF, 72 KB)
  • Multiple choice questions for assessment purposes
  • Downloadable PowerPoint presentations